Will Trent Pilot- Will's House, Will's Living Room | Decorator: Amy Darsey, Buyers: Dante DeStefano, Patti McArthur
Will Trent Pilot- Will's House, Will's Bedroom Room | Decorator: Amy Darsey, Buyers: Dante DeStefano, Patti McArthur
The Big Door Prize, Gala at Giorgio's | Decorator: Samantha McDonald, Buyers: Dante DeStefano, Dusty Albinger, Maryelle St. Claire
The Big Door Prize, Kovac House Basement | Decorator: Samantha McDonald, Buyers: Dante DeStefano, Dusty Albinger
The Big Door Prize, Kovac House Bedroom | Decorator: Samantha McDonald, Buyers: Dante DeStefano, Dusty Albinger
Will Trent Pilot- TV Repair Shop, Will's Living Room | Decorator: Amy Darsey, Buyers: Dante DeStefano, Patti McArthur
The Big Door Prize, Art Classroom | Decorator: Samantha McDonald, Buyers: Dante DeStefano, Dusty Albinger, Maryelle St. Claire
Order for Ben, Ben's Teen Bedroom | Decorator: Dante DeStefano
Belladonna Ball photobooth